Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lesson Of The Day, Numero Uno

Lesson of the Day: Do not overeat.

I'm not kidding. BAD idea.

This lesson takes a leaf out of my book, because not once, but TWICE today, I've overeaten, and waddled away from the table feeling like an over-stuffed pig. This is not healthy, and I do not recommend it for ANYONE. Overeating is discouraged in the Bible, I've discovered. It mentions "gluttony" which I most certainly indulged in today. I write this lesson to warn you, my children. Do not fall into gluttony. It makes you feel fat, and guilty that you were able to eat while children are starving in China.

This was random, I know, but you will benefit from this wisdom someday.

At least, I hope so.

Stay healthy,


Monday, February 2, 2009

I am so sore, I can barely move.

I am so sore, I never ever WANT to move again.

And it is all because of softball. We had tryouts today; day one of a two week conditioning program, that has left me incapacitated. I did well, right up until I couldn't even kneel during prayer because my quads had stopped working. But at least I'll have tomorrow off to rest because I am going to the dentist *cue horrified screaming*.

Yes...the dentist. The happiest place on earth. For sadists, maybe. That is not important, however. What is important is that beginning sometime in the very near future, I shall be doing a thing called the "Lesson of the Day" on this very blog, in which I give -what else- a "lesson of the day". These will be life changing, so you definitely don't want to miss this.

Gabs, are you reading this? My one reader can't let me down. I think I need to give you a nickname, to show how awesome you are for listening to my inane ramblings. I will think long and hard about this....tomorrow. Right now, all I want is to sleep.

Sleep Tight,
