Tuesday, November 3, 2009

T.V and not Much Else....

Hello everyone!

I've been inspired to post again after a very long absence, because I have been reading a great many of my favorite blogs. The blogs I follow are so amazing, because the people that create them are so creative and talented. I adore looking at their fantastic photography, reading their hilarious anecdotes and admire their honesty and writing style.

Seeing as I am still a bit blog-retarded I cannot link them all to you guys, but if you want to know what they are, feel free to send me a message and I will tell you. (They are all certainly better than mine, thats for sure).

School is stressful as per usual, but I've grown to accept that as the highschool experience. I also have been watching FAR to much tv. It's ridiculous. Almost every day of the week is a tv show.

Monday- Lie to Me (9) and Castle (10)
Tuesday- NCIS!!!!!!! (8)
Wednesday- So You Think you Can Dance and sometimes Glee
Thursday- Vampire Diaries (which I always have to watch via internet because my prayer group meets while it's on)
Friday- There's something.... I just can't remember what.

How sad is that? Last year I didn't watch ANY television during the school year, and now...I am a glutton. Oh the shame......

But I can't stop. They're ALL amazing. Especially NCIS.

I hope you all are staying healthy; half of my high school is down for the count, and some of my friends have even come down with Swine Flu or H1N1 (which I can't help but notice that it looks like Heini. Yes. I am juvenile).

In my English class we are reading Beowulf, which I had dreaded but I am actually enjoying myself. It is much easier to read than I has expected! I really enjoy the writing style; it is so evocative.

Homework is calling my name...(kinda like the crawfish from the Ludo song Lake Pontchartrain, and if any of you know what I am talking about I will be very happy), which unfortunately means I must bid you all Adieu, and live to blog another day.


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