Listening to: the aircondition whirr
Wishing: for lemonade
Knowing: I'm far to lazy to make any
I am very proud of myself. I got up and sorted my laundry in record time, and now my room is looking somewhat fit for human habitation again. Yay!
I also put up pretty photographs that I found in magazines, to spice up the boring white walls. I've been living in this same room for yeeears, and haven't made my mark yet. So, I decided to heck with it, and put them up. I am a much happier person for it. I kind of stole this computer from my dad in order to blog, so I'm going to have to return it, and leave you all with this very short, very unsatisfying (and un-enlightening) post.
Jo <3
O, lazy days.... i know them well.